Leadership Skills Clinics FAQ
Discover answers to the most commonly asked questions about the Leadership Skills Clinics. We hope this list provides you with a better understanding of our clinics.
1. What is a “clinic”?
A “clinic” is an intensive, hands-on, skills-based workshop designed to provide you with practical leadership tools and experiences. Unlike traditional lectures, a clinic is typically short (2 or 3 classes) and focused on developing specific competencies that are essential for effective leadership. The format emphasizes active participation, real-world applications, and personal growth.
2. What if I get sick and miss a class? Or I have an interview and have to miss class? Or miss my bus back from NYC and can’t make it in time? Or…?
These clinics are fast-paced, skills-based experiences—missing just one class is like missing half a semester in a typical course. To earn credit, you must attend every session. If you are not able to make it to all of the classes (and you have been contributing up to that point) you will receive an Incomplete (INC) on your transcript and will need to retake the class at a future offering to remove the Incomplete.
3. Do you offer Leadership Skills Clinics during the wintermester or summer?
At this time we do not offer Leadership Skills Clinics during the wintermester or summer breaks.
If you still have questions, please do not hesitate to reach out to engineering_leaders@cornell.edu