Alumni: Volunteer
The Selander Center for Engineering Leadership values our relationships with talented Cornell Engineering alumni who want to make a difference in the lives of our students. Current opportunities for alumni engagement include:
COMPASS Program Mentor-Coaches
Work with first- and second-year engineering students to broaden their perspectives and develop professional skills necessary for success as practicing engineers.
Approximately 5 to 25 years’ work experience in an engineering or related field and the desire to mentor younger undergraduates as they practice interpersonal and professional skills. Requires approximately four hours of training in coaching, mentoring, and Cornell policies.
All activities may be conducted remotely
Time Commitment
It requires only a few minutes to join the pool of potential mentors for the COMPASS program. If you are matched with a student, the time commitment is approximately 15 hours over the course of one semester, inclusive of required training and 6 meetings with mentees. Minimum commitment is one semester.
How to Volunteer
Contact COMPASS Program Manager Daniel Toronto (dkt33@cornell.edu) to learn more.